Nidal Karim, PhD


“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.”
— Rumi

Nidal joined the Social Insights team in December 2020.


Dr. Nidal Karim is a Project Lead at Social Insights. As a feminist researcher and embodiment practitioner, she is passionate about processes and strategies that support individuals and collectives to feel held, heard, and inspired. Nidal’s work centers and supports collaborations with communities at the margins, in their autonomous journeys toward equity and social change.

Nidal has guided various institutions and groups in their evolving journeys toward justice-centered and liberatory approaches for funding, governance, research, evaluation, program design, and learning. Her myriad of experiences include leading multi-site gender justice programs, participatory and mixed-methods evaluation and learning initiatives, and providing advisory support to international and US-based non-profits and philanthropic organizations.

Some of the organizations she has supported include Mama Cash, the UN Trust Fund, the Kendeda Fund, Girls First Fund, Purposeful, MeToo International Inc., the United for Racial Equity and Healing Fund at United Way of Greater Atlanta, and the Magnolia Mothers Trust guaranteed income program at Springboard to Opportunities.

Nidal is fluent in English, Spanish, and Bangla. She leans on her training in embodiment practices to intentionally center healing justice and compassion in all aspects of her life. You will most often find her playing in nature, attempting to grow in her breathwork, movement, and writing practices, embarrassing her teen daughter as the resident positive sexuality educator, and enjoying collective gatherings centered in food, joy, and healing.

Skills & Experience

  • Feminist research

  • Embodiment practitioner

  • Equity & social change

  • Healing justice

Report Highlights


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